We will be hosting Forney ISD’s Inaugural Autism Conference on April 12th from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at The Opportunity Central. This conference is an excellent opportunity to connect with families of students with disabilities from all over North Texas. We anticipate a strong turnout, and we believe your participation would greatly benefit the families and students we serve.

Date: April 12, 2025.

Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 

Location: The Opportunity Central

Venue: Room 306 clear filter
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Saturday, April 12

9:30am CDT

Moving From Inclusion to Engagement: Effective Strategies for Supporting Individuals of all Ages
Saturday April 12, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am CDT
Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop for educators, caregivers, individuals with IDD, and advocates. This session will focus on practical strategies and best practices for creating inclusive environments that engage and support the diverse needs of individuals with special needs from ages 1 – 91.
avatar for Dr. Demetrice Smith

Dr. Demetrice Smith

Capable Minds, Hearts & Hands IDD Outreach & Potter's House
 My mission is to empower and inspire people to achieve their personal and professional goals while promoting mental health and well-being.As the Director of a Non-Profit Organization, Dr. Smith oversees developing and implementing programs, collaborative connections, and services... Read More →
Saturday April 12, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am CDT
Room 306

10:45am CDT

The Humanity in Disability
Saturday April 12, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CDT
When we recognize every person's attributes, characteristics, and capabilities, we grow with them, allowing their humanity to be nurtured as they navigate the nuances of what makes them unique; We go beyond the diagnosis, and caregiving becomes more rewarding.
avatar for Dr. Demetrice Smith

Dr. Demetrice Smith

Capable Minds, Hearts & Hands IDD Outreach & Potter's House
 My mission is to empower and inspire people to achieve their personal and professional goals while promoting mental health and well-being.As the Director of a Non-Profit Organization, Dr. Smith oversees developing and implementing programs, collaborative connections, and services... Read More →
Saturday April 12, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CDT
Room 306

1:30pm CDT

Moving From Inclusion to Engagement: Effective Strategies for Supporting Individuals of all Ages
Saturday April 12, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop for educators, caregivers, individuals with IDD, and advocates. This session will focus on practical strategies and best practices for creating inclusive environments that engage and support the diverse needs of individuals with special needs from ages 1 – 91.
avatar for Dr. Demetrice Smith

Dr. Demetrice Smith

Capable Minds, Hearts & Hands IDD Outreach & Potter's House
 My mission is to empower and inspire people to achieve their personal and professional goals while promoting mental health and well-being.As the Director of a Non-Profit Organization, Dr. Smith oversees developing and implementing programs, collaborative connections, and services... Read More →
Saturday April 12, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Room 306

2:45pm CDT

The Humanity in Disability
Saturday April 12, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
When we recognize every person's attributes, characteristics, and capabilities, we grow with them, allowing their humanity to be nurtured as they navigate the nuances of what makes them unique; We go beyond the diagnosis, and caregiving becomes more rewarding.
avatar for Dr. Demetrice Smith

Dr. Demetrice Smith

Capable Minds, Hearts & Hands IDD Outreach & Potter's House
 My mission is to empower and inspire people to achieve their personal and professional goals while promoting mental health and well-being.As the Director of a Non-Profit Organization, Dr. Smith oversees developing and implementing programs, collaborative connections, and services... Read More →
Saturday April 12, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Room 306
Forney ISD Inaugural Autism Conference
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