We will be hosting Forney ISD’s Inaugural Autism Conference on April 12th from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at The Opportunity Central. This conference is an excellent opportunity to connect with families of students with disabilities from all over North Texas. We anticipate a strong turnout, and we believe your participation would greatly benefit the families and students we serve.
Employability is a person's ability to get a job and keep that job. I hope to answer your question: How do we equip our children to demonstrate employable skills, such as communication and adaptability, in order to help them be successful in getting a job and keeping that job?
Employability is a person's ability to get a job and keep that job. I hope to answer your question: How do we equip our children to demonstrate employable skills, such as communication and adaptability, in order to help them be successful in getting a job and keeping that job?
Designed for parents with students in ECSE through 18+ programs. This session will focus on planning for the future, essential strategies, discussing milestones, and providing resources to support families and students when transition planning for post secondary success.
Designed for parents with students in ECSE through 18+ programs. This session will focus on planning for the future, essential strategies, discussing milestones, and providing resources to support families and students when transition planning for post secondary success.